All that to say, yesterday rocked. I purchased a whole fat stack of books and can hardly wait to dive in. Plus next weekend we are headed for our no cars, no electricity, island vacation on the west side of the state. All I need is my swimming suit and my books.
We also got the party pictures back yesterday. Here are a few!
The Beisner boys were ready to play ball!
Brian with Dr. Beisner
Carrie and Nicci are chillin'.
Me and my Mom. Awww....
Susan snapped this shot of me, mid-sentence. Thanks, Sus. :) I got her back by taking a photo of her with food in her mouth, which I won't post here because I'm a good friend.
Kilby, Jordan, and Susan. I like this one!
And here are the All-Star teams: the Yankees and the Brian Lions.
We had a great time. The Lord is so gracious to us to bless us with so many friends.
Well, that's enough lazing around for now. I want to get some serious laundry and cooking done. It is so nice to be home and have time to do that. When will I learn to stop piling stuff on and just be content to diligently work on the little things that really matter? Maybe that is part of why God gave me this illness. To help me realize that yes, the world can keep turning without me. The Lord is very gentle and kind and so very wise! I'm reminded of Lucy in Narnia:
"Aslan, you're bigger."
"That is because you are older, little one," answered he.
"Not because you are?"
"I am not. But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."