Risks of Polyhydramnios:
Placental Abruption
Birth Defects
Excessive Post-Partum Bleeding (and I'm on a blood thiner!)
Increased Chance of C-Section
So anyway, dear friends, I only post this so that you can pray for us. You have been so kind and faithful in the past. I am glad that Iain will be here soon one way or another. It will be such a relief to go and check on him when I'm worried. For now, I just have to content myself that he is in the hands of Almighty God. And that is enough. The frail flesh wants more, but I have all that I need.
On a brighter note, here are pictures of the nursery. We just hung the lights this afternoon and there is nothing more that needs done.
This is the beautiful cross-stitch that Susan designed and made for our baby. I love it!
I love going into the closet and looking at his little clothes.
Jordan, Iain's room is just precious.... soon, very soon you'll be watching him sleep thinking it's all gone so fast. Enjoy these last days prenancy. Just an idea, if you haven't gotten movement on tape yet, lean back, put the remote on your belly and let baby practice kicking it off. We taped that with Eric and I cherish that video!
I love the simplicity of the room, guys. It's just perfect.
Keep coming back every day to find out if there is ANY NEWS?????
Hope to hear some soon:)
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