Now for this morning's tale: Fatigue is really starting to catch up with me, and I was really looking forward to some sleep after our 6am feeding. Brian got up for work and visited with Iain for a bit and I guess this got him good and awake (although he normally is awake after feedings and conks out by himself with no problem). At any rate, he had a real rough time settling down and despite all his favorite things kept crying for about an hour. He finally settles himself down and Jessie (our 60lb dog) starts barking like crazy and I hear this loud, shrill EEEP EEEP EEEP and hear the dog tearing down the hall. So I get up and stand bravely on the couch to examine the situation. There was SOMETHING behind the desk. I pulled it out slowly and Jessie dove in, chasing out: a bird! So I threw the dog outside, setting off the burglar alarm in the process and returned to the office to contemplate my next move. I could hear it fluttering around behind the computer as I called my husband to dicuss strategy. I had just about settled on waiting to see if it was going to die and then trying to get rid of it (I hadn't got a good look at it, but I figured Jessie had probably mortally wounded it.) when the crazy things shoots up and lands on the printer. It stared right at me and said in a very menacing way EEEP EEEP EEEP. I tell you it was like the monster from a horror movie rising from the dead. I hung up with Brian and decided to try to catch with a towel. It flew all over the place, but I finally got it and threw it outside. Sheesh!!
Here are a few more pictures of beautiful boy. I can't believe how richly God has blessed me. He is so faithful and kind to His people.
Thanks for blogging even though you are fatigued. I love keeping up with you guys this way.
You could've let Jessie take care of that bird! Isn't that what she was bred to do? But maybe not in the house, eh?
You "sound" soooooooooo happy. Welcome to a love you've never known. :) Iain is so beautiful! Relish every single second. Even when you're exhausted! :)
Actually, Rhodesian ridgebacks like Jessie were bred for lion hunting (among other things).
Yeah, I thought about letting Jessie handle the situation, but I've seen what she does to stuffed animals-- cotton all over the house. I know I don't want to be cleaning up real animal innards! ;O By the way, Iain slept through teh whole debacle!
Congratulations, Brian and Jordan!! Iain is SO beautiful! Can't wait to see him! God bless your dear family!
If Jessie could handle a lion, I'm sure she'd do fine with the bird. But I'm not sure how your computer/printer/desk/carpet/other furniture would fare.
And I'm really glad to hear that Iain was oblivious to it all. Nothing worse than waking a sleeping baby, in my opinion.
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