We're enjoying the season here in the Douglas house. Here are a few recent photos. The first one is Brian in his awesome new hat. Does anybody know what these kind of hats are called?
And Iain enjoying the great outdoors. He insisted on wearing his Santa hat outside-- what a cutie! Decorating our flat. We put on Christmas music and got out the tree and lights. We made snowflakes too. And some recent Christmas themed pics that Mama took.
Thank you everyone. I do love my little guy. He is a great subject for photography, in my opinion! :)
Heidi Jo, thanks. I really like the new banner too. I was just snapping pictures at the beach and enjoying God's creation, and when I got home I realized that those pics fit perfectly with a special verse God gave me before we came here. What a blessing.
Grace & AJ-- Thank you for your wonderful hat identification skills!
Iain is soooo cute!
your new banner is GREAT.
LOVE the sleeping Christmas pics. :)
he is SO cute I can't believe how much he has grown up! AJ congratulates Brian on having a fedora hat! :P
Thank you everyone. I do love my little guy. He is a great subject for photography, in my opinion! :)
Heidi Jo, thanks. I really like the new banner too. I was just snapping pictures at the beach and enjoying God's creation, and when I got home I realized that those pics fit perfectly with a special verse God gave me before we came here. What a blessing.
Grace & AJ-- Thank you for your wonderful hat identification skills!
Someone else told me it's a trilby, but I'm really not sure.
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