Thursday, April 21, 2005

A Tardy Post

I have been wanting to post for a while, but never seemed to have internet access when I had the time...

Last Thursday was a decisive day for us. It was the day set for a meeting with my boss that I asked for due to all the time I've missed at work lately. I knew that by the end of the day it was a posibility that I would no longer have a job. Everyone has been very understanding at work, but a business needs its people in order to run. Brian didn't want me to quit, but I didn't know if I could go on. So we called a meeting to discuss it with my boss.

Understandably, Brian and I were both anxious for the meeting to take place, but it wasn't scheduled until 4pm, and we were thinking about it all day long.

While we were on pins and needles, a man came up to husband with a strange message. He said that he had been thinking about Brian for weeks, and in particular the night before-- he was so disturbed that he couldn't sleep. He said that he felt that God wanted him to give Brian some money. So they talked for awhile and the man said he had a certain amount of money in cash in an envelope in his truck and if was the same amount that Brian needed, he was going to give it to him. It was 1000 dollars. He gave it to Brian for no reason other than he felt that that is what God wanted him to do. What an amazing gift! He refused any thanks for himself, saying that we should thank God. What marvelous timing-- right on the very day when my job status was up in the air. It was like God was reminding us that He takes care of His people.

For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? Matt 6:25 & 26

During the meeting, my boss expressed his happiness that I had sought out the meeting and was aware of the effect of my absences. He was extremely compassionate and suggested that perhaps I could work part-time as an assistant to some of our adminstrative staff. I was exceedingly pleased by this proposition. It was completely unexpected because this will be an entirely new position here. So I now work Tuesdays through Thursdays. For now, I'm still doing reception until they find a replacement, but soon my responsibilities will change. I'm excited because I think my work will be a bit more interesting now, as well as less tiring. The Lord has been very good to us, and I'm so thankful that it turned out so well.

1 comment:

Susan said...

This, my friend, is one of the greatest real-life stories I've ever heard. Brian told it to me on Monday and it was well timed. Nihilism doesn't sit well under such circumstances. God is so good.