Monday, October 03, 2005

Poodles in Hell

This is just too funny not to share...

I was eating lunch with my pastor and his wife, Robin, yesterday and the conversation turned to a newspaper column that they had read recently. Someone had written and asked the pastor of a local megachurch if pets go to heaven when they die. He said that they did. Robin nearly had a fit. "I had two poodles" she said. "One was good and one was bad. And let me tell you, if anyone is going to hell, Pierre is!"

I thought I'd die laughing.

And in case you're wondering, I don't believe in any sort of afterlife for animals. :)


Susan said...

Wow....After the little story you told last Saturday night...I can SO picture this.

SomeOne said...

If there were an afterlife for animals, ALL poodles would be in Hell. They aren't even dogs, for crying out loud, just one of the curses of sin. And I know this from experience, having grown up with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR stupid poodles. Quoth the raven...

Brian Stanley Douglas said...

Jeni quotes Poe! That's great.

Brian Stanley Douglas said...

"And in case you're wondering, I don't believe in any sort of afterlife for animals."

Yet another difference between my wife and DJK and Bob Coy.