Saturday, March 20, 2010

The struggle for order

Being a homemaker is a challenge for me. It really takes a lot of skill to do it well, but it is a job with little training, few incentives, and little respect. As someone who thrives on the approval of others, it can be a tough row to hoe. Maybe this is one way that God is starving that human-pleasing side of my personality.

With a new baby life seems especially overwhelming at the moment. So in a grasp for sanity, I created a home organization station on the side of my fridge.

I'm hoping that this will help keep me on track. No more losing the calendar or not looking at it for days, no more scraps of paper with "to-do" scrawled in crayon, buried under a pile of old mail. Since it is in itself a giant to-do list on display, I wanted to pretty it up a bit to encourage myself. The elements of the organization wall are pretty simple. My calendar, some scripture verses, a daily to-do list, a weekly to-do list, and our menu plan for the week.

I created a master to-do list of things that I find myself writing down on my lists every day and added things that ideally should be done each day. I know that I won't get everything done, but it gives me a goal to shoot for. I'm hoping I will fall into a routine and that things will run more smoothly, but if it doesn't work, I'll change it. Motherhood is teaching me to be flexible, and learning to keep house teaches me to keep experimenting with things until I achieve some level of mastery. When I first got married, I quickly became frustrated when I discovered I didn't have the skills of a woman of 50. Now I know that housekeeping is an art and a skill, and like anything else, you get better with practice.

I used magnets to keep the list on the fridge, and I taped down a piece of scrapbook paper I like to serve as a frame. I printed it front and back, so I reduced my paper waste. I put check boxes next to each task, and also added a section for Iain's chores.

I got some coordinating card stock and choose Bible verses that either encourage or exhort to display in this clear magnetic photo frame.

I found some pretty magnets to coordinate after a lot of hunting around.

This is my weekly menu plan. This is a tried and true household tool for me.

Here are the things that should be done on weekly basis (if not more frequently, but hey, we're taking baby steps here).

Domestic bliss. I hope so at any rate!


Deana Thomas said...


This turned out so cute! I hope it really helps keep you organized. I'm glad you found your magnets.



April said...

Jordan, I love this!!!! I totally know what you mean and really love that you shared this out here. It reminds me of this blog that I just started peaking at the other day.
I haven't really read it all due to time, but this post is what made me think of you...making this pretty and enjoyable:

Anyway, ways to find our way through a path in which we have no training. I hope to train my daughter up in a way that she will enter into adulthood with more preparation than I had. I still don't have it figured out even with the tools I have been trying to use. Maybe if I made it pretty it would help me :)!

Blessings on your day!!!

SomeOne said...

I am impressed by your creativity. Looks like you are getting into a groove, and that's a good place to be.

Susan said...

Jordan, I love this! You are inspiring. Keep up the good work. Also, I loved the pics of your hike. You look great! :)

Melissa :) said...

This is just fab, Jordan! I too have the daily lists lost under unopened mail & I don't look @ the calendar typically until it's too late, blah, blah.

This is such a great idea & I just love how pretty & feminine it is! :)

Rachel Boldman said...

I love this idea!