Thursday, July 13, 2006

Life in Babyland

Here's my beautiful boy with a full tummy. See how content he looks? He's been having a lot of tummy trouble so I took him to the doctor and it seems he has a mild case of acid reflux. :( Happily, the doctor gave him some Zantac and that seems to have done the trick!

He is really starting to grow! I don't know how much he weighs right now, but his 0-3 month clothes finally fit and he is outgrowing the newborn stuff. I was surprised that 0-3 months was too big for him since he was such a big baby. I wonder what the 5 pounders wear?

He can roll over already! He doesn't do it on purpose, but if he is on his tummy and really mad he can do it! He hates tummy time, so I don't do it very often.

He is smiling a lot now, especially right after he eats. It is so sweet, but very hard to catch on film! He loves to be sung to and read to. I think his eyes will be brown, but I don't know what color his hair is going to be. It has a lot of red tints in it and seems to be getting lighter!

And I'm proud to report that for the past three days he has been only waking up once in the night to eat. Once he went for 6 hours! I'm so happy to be getting so much sleep!

Here he is wide awake in his bouncy seat. He likes that pretty well, though he hasn't taken any swats at the hanging toys yet.


Susan said...

Currently holds the place for cutest baby in the world.

Jordan said...

Ahh.. music to a mommy's ears. :)

Susan said...

For some reason I think that wide-awake inquisitive look makes him look like a little scholar.

SomeOne said...

He is pretty cute, Jordan. You're doing a great job keeping up with the picture posting. Thanks!