Monday, July 03, 2006

Who, me?

"A mother is a person who, upon seeing that there are 5 people and 4 pieces of pie, declares she never did care for pie."

As Iain approaches the one month mark, I'm still sorting through this whole experience of becoming a mother. I see my life changing in drastic ways that I don't even fully comprehend yet and I wonder what God is going to teach me through all this. I still haven't got my "sea-legs" and I still don't feel quite like a mom-- he is still new enough for it all to have a faint dream-like quality. Or maybe it's just the fact that I'm sleep deprived! :)

I think that being a mother does involve self-sacrifice. Sleeping, eating, being clean and well-dressed-- those are all things that the baby has to have before mommy does. As I sit breastfeeding, I ponder why God designed it the way He did. I feel that there is a deeper truth that I haven't quite grasped yet. This little guy is depending on ME for food. What I eat affects him. If I don't drink enough, I can't make enough milk. When I'm feeding him, I must sit for an hour and pay attention to keeping him awake or burped or in the right position. Both of my hands are usually occupied. I have to judge whether or not he is really full, or has just filled himself for the next 15 minutes. Hopefully, I'm learning patience and how to die to self in a whole new way.

I'm excited about the road ahead and I can't wait to see who Iain really is. As long as he loves the Lord Jesus, it doesn't matter all that much what his personality is like and what his talents are. Still, it will be very fun to see. More pictures are coming soon!


i am not said...

Jordan, I'm continually amazed at the way God designs things. Every so often something hits me and I think, "Wow does that make total sense!" Most recently it was after having Georgia - I realized that the whole process of the newborn needing to be fed so often - by breast or by bottle - means that mom HAS to sit down for a long period of time (45-60 min) every 3-4 hours for the first 2 months or so... This coincides perfectly with the need to recuperate from delivery. New moms need to rest and take it easy in order to recover - what a natural way to rest and take it easy! I don't know why it hit me with my 3rd child, but it did and I marveled many times at the logicalness of how God created us and His world. He is amazing, isn't He?

Being a new mom is quite an experience. You're doing a great job!

Doni Brinkman said...

One of the things that has changed my thinking the most after become a parent is God's role of parent and mine as child. I never doubted His love but I understand it differently now that I feel parental love for my own little ones. I see him more as "Daddy" now than ever before and I understand the importance of that in my life on a whole new level. What I feel for my kids as an imperfect parent is not even the tiniest of fraction of what THE perfect parent feels for us. THAT is amazing to me.