Monday, February 12, 2007

Overwhelmed by wickedness

(See my previous post)
How can I even begin to respond to that? The easiest thing to do is try to drive it out of one's mind-- and quickly. But no. Too many people have done that. I have to think. I have to pray.

How my heart hurts for those children. Can any story better show the depravity of mankind? To kill and destroy and to waste the lives of others so freely, both by outright killing them and by dragging them down into the depths of degradation. As parents and as adults we strive to train children to master their faults and passions, but not these men. They crush what is good and fan into flame nearly incomprehensible evil. Woe to those men on the day of judgment. Woe to those men who have dared to do this wickedness for earthly benefits that are so fleeting and perishable. They above all others ought to know how fleeting life is. Perhaps for once I can relate to the imprecatory songs and for once I can long for the judgment of the Lord on wickedness.

My heart is so full. What must the mothers and fathers and aunts and uncles and grandparents feel who live in these lands? Who see these things with their own eyes? I can't fathom it. I can't understand it.

CNN made up a map of countries where child soldiers were active last year. I don't know how clearly it will show up, but some of the countries are Columbia, Haiti, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, the Phillipines, India, Nepal, Sudan, Myanmar, Iraq, and Afganistan. Of course, it is nearly impossible to adopt from most of these places since the conditions are so bad. It is so tragic that the places where there are the most orphans and needy children are places that you can't adopt from. Unwanted children have very little protection and this is why they are so easily exploited. How I long to take one motherless child to care for. I can't save the world, but I can care for one child. I'm keeping my eyes open for reputable agencies that work with any of these countries. If you know of any, please let me know.

Dear Father,
We feel so helpless when confronted with such evil. Please show us if there is anything we can do to help. We thank you for the governments that you have placed into power here in the UK and the USA, which, while imperfect, do not allow things like this. We pray for these countries that the gospel would shine bright for your glory. Strengthen and protect your people there. Bring stability and peace. How we long for the perfect peace of your coming. We ask that for all the covenant families longing for children, including ours, that you will fulfill that desire. I ask that we would be able to adopt children from impoverished and unstable circumstances safely. Give us courage and provide a way dear Lord. We bow before your throne and ask humbly for both justice and mercy, knowing that you alone can accomplish this. In Jesus' name alone we pray, amen.


Anthony Smith said...

I went to CU just after reading your posts. Coincidentally, we spent a bit of time thinking about Stop The Traffik - a campaign that includes the problem of child soldiers.

Have you read Psalm 10 lately?

Anonymous said...

Human depravity knows no bounds. The problem seems so large & overwhelming that one feels powerless to make a difference. Thank you for reminding us that making a difference for one child does indeed matter. Keeping the issue at the forefront to our governments, researching organizations that are helping these kids (then supporting them), & prayer are things we can do. I thank God you are my daughter, Jordan. I am glad you are making a difference in the life of one almost forgotten created child. Perhaps Iain will have some brothers & sisters one day. The Lord knows how best to use you and Brian to his service. You are wonderful parents. I love you dear Jordan, and Brian.