Sunday, June 24, 2007

One Year of Joy

Iain turned one on June 7th! It is hard to believe that he is already one year old. I thought I'd be really sad, but Brian and I are learning that our love grows with him. Those first days were wonderful, but we each day he is learning and growing and we are getting to see him develop as a person. It is so amazing to be such a crucial factor in that process. I'm praying that God will help us as the years pass and challenges grow. I pray that he will love the Lord and seek to serve him all the days of his life.

Iain now has 4 teeth, which look soon to be 6. It's funny because his bottom front teeth came in and now is eye teeth are about halfway out, and the top front are just about to break through. We're calling him baby fangs! I'm glad that it won't be for long-- since his top front didn't come in when they were supposed to, I was worried they'd be seriously delayed. His vampire days are numbered.

All his developmental energies are now fixated on standing and walking. He is getting really good at pulling up and cruising and can stand alone for a few seconds. He loves it when we walk him around; he takes quick, happy, marching steps. It's time to get this baby some shoes!

On his actual birthday we went over to Stanmer Park to feed the ducks, who were surprisingly uncooperative and didn't want anything to do with us! We did have a nice walk around and Iain enjoyed crawling around in the grass.

After playing in Stanmer Park, we headed back over the hill for cake and presents.

Here's the unsuspecting caterpiller cake. Little did he know what was about to befall him...

Iain says "Hey, what is this thing?"

"This is pretty fun!"

Of course, the bath afterwards was not as much fun. Such is life!

We had his birthday party on the 16th. We were hoping for warm weather as we'd planned a BBQ and I'd bought a kiddie pool, but it was cloudy and chilly. It felt more like an autumn cook out than a summer one! We had about 40 people from our neighborhood, church, and uni over. We put the food in our flat and in the covered corridor outside and grilled behind our house. We had a good time despite the weather. Everybody brought lots of food and our friends Lizzie and Sophie helped to plan the party.

Enjoying more birthday cake!

Iain also really like the balloons at his party!

The lovely wooden train that our friends bought him!

By the end of the party, Iain was very tired! Here he is fussying at me as I cleaned up the flat! He is saying, "I'm tired Mama!"


Tina said...

Happy Birthday Iain! It goes so fast, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I love it! Happy 1st Birthday Iain! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can't believe he's already a year old! He looks so grown up in that last picture. I love his sticky-outy ears! They're so cute! You were wise to remove his clothes before feeding him the cake!

Love and miss you all! :)

Anonymous said...

he is darling... time has just FLOWN by! What a beautiful setting for pictures of his 1 year birthday.

(oh yes... poor poor cute caterpillar!) ;)

Compleat Mom said...

All these pictures make me miss you lots.

Jordan said...

We miss you guys too!

Missy Eagen said...

what a handsome boy you have! I can't believe he's been here a year already, thank you for sharing him with us. What a gift he is.