Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day Thoughts

Sunday Morning Catechism Question:

Q. 79. Which is the tenth commandment?A. The tenth commandment is, Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.

Q. 80. What is required in the tenth commandment?A. The tenth commandment requireth full contentment with our own condition, with a right and charitable frame of spirit toward our neighbor, and all that is his.

Q. 81. What is forbidden in the tenth commandment?A. The tenth commandment forbiddeth all discontentment with our own estate, envying or grieving at the good of our neighbor, and all inordinate motions and affections to anything that is his.

God is pretty amazing. At the beginning of Sunday School every week, we read the shorter catechism.We've been doing this for about a year and this was the question that just "happened" to fall on Mother's Day.

I confess that I am guilty of this discontent and envy, Lord. Help me to be completely satisfied in You forever. Thank you for gently reminding me of My sin and steering my away from the paths of bitterness. Help me to think on you You more than myself and to seek to please you. How wonderfully you have blessed me; how foolish it is to meditate on that which you have not granted in your wisdom. Father please help me to serve You truly all the days of my life.

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