Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Power of the Spoken Word

The tongue really is a fire.

I've been reflecting on that lately because a person that I deal with professionally quite a bit has been rather short tempered lately. I'm sure that she has no idea how much her tone and words have sunk into my soul and affected my outlook on life. I know that I tend to be a bit of a brooder, but this experience has really made me wonder how words that I toss out casually to my acquaintances effect them. The Word does say that we will be judged for every idle word, and likens the man who says "I was only joking" to one throwing flaming arrows. I know that I will quickly forget this lesson, because that seems to be my MO, but I really I hope that I learn to think a little before I talk. I am so quick to speak-- I even interrupt others to throw out my pearls of "wisdom". I pray the Lord would make me a wiser, quieter woman.

1 comment:

Susan said...


Well spoken.