Thursday, January 12, 2006


Sometimes I feel like I do the cause of Christ more harm than good despite my best efforts. I feel so weak against the challenges of secular humanism, feminism, agnosticism, and relativism. I feel like whatever bit I try to defend a Christian perspective just makes Christ look foolish. So then I just shut-up and I'm not happy with that either. Why would God allow men to mock Him so? And why does he put all the losers on His team?

I really do know the answer to that. It brings Him more glory and honor to win with the pathetic side. And I know that he uses the weak things of the world to confound the wise. I guess I just would like to see a little more confounding sometimes. How amazing are the humility and patience of God. If I had infinite power, I would crush the person (i.e. all mankind) who ever dared to doubt me for a second. Yet He graciously allows men to question and mock him freely until the appointed day of their death. He blesses them with life and health and food to eat. The rain falls on the just and the unjust. And we are so wicked and ungrateful. We take His patience for impotence.

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for your graciousness and patience with all men and particularly with myself. Help me to be patient and gracious too, and please give me wisdom in what I say and do. I am so very weak and can do nothing apart from You. Please strengthen me to do whatever work you have for me with a cheerful heart whether it seem mundane or earth-shattering. Help me to trust that You have all things in Your hands and to remember that the mocking of the wicked has no power over You and no effect on who You are. I pray that you would send a spirit of repentance to this country and that there would be a mighty harvest of souls, that Your name might be praised. Give me an evangelistic heart and make me aware of opportunities to speak the truth in love. Thank you so much for Your great love and forgiveness. It is truly unfathomable.
In Your name alone I pray, amen.


Susan said...

This makes me really miss you! I love you SO much. When I read this I wanted to call you and did but I'd forgotten it was Friday and you weren't at the desk but in class. Oh well. I'll call you sometime next week maybe. XO

Jordan said...

Thanks, Susan! I'm feeling a bit better now, but still very overwhelmed by the seeming strength of wickedness and worldliness. Your Dad has us reading a bunch of founding fathers for class and it is discouraging to see how far this country has slipped from its foundation.

Also, I've been pondering feminism a lot lately and trying to muster the strength to offer a challenege to that. I'm firmly convinced that only a woman has even a chance of being heard in criticizing that movement. And yet it has done so much harm to women.

I also went off on an education rant on Kilby's blog. (Sheepish grin)

These things always trouble me so because when I'm really passionate about something, I have trouble expressing truth in love and not just saying "Look, that is just SO STUPID, you big dummy!!" Not exactly a persuasive argument. And not at all how God treats me. Plus, I have trouble really listening to the opposite side because it just makes me mad. It's like when you were a kid playing a "pretend" with someone else and they did something that is just totally wrong-- like making a George Washington talk on a cell phone or something-- and you would just get so mad because they were "ruining it".

Anyway, guess I shoul have sent you an e-mail. Ha ha! SO glad that the recording is going well.

Susan said...

You are AWESOME. I love you!