Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Frustrated and far from the mark

Today has been really irritating me! It has been one of those days where little things keep going wrong and adding up to one frustrated mama. Poor Brian is sick today, so that was not a happy beginning to the day. Iain woke up at 6:30, and I managed to get my kitchen cleaned up (including the floor mopped!) and Iain fed without incident. Today is payday, so the stores in the house are very low. No milk, no eggs, 1 slice of bread-- you get the picture. Still, no problem, frozen waffles for breakfast, leftovers and frozen french fries for lunch. I also found some time to spend with Iain on learning his colors again today. We've only done four so far, despite having started it two weeks ago! As I was doing my daily internet search for bargains and sales, I came across this website (http://thehomespunheart.blogspot.com/) and was immediately blessed and also saddened at how far I have to go. This is is the kind of wife, mom, and friend I'd like to be. But I'm not there yet. Sigh.

So feeling good about having done some work and wanting to do something creative after reading that blog, I decided to work on a project I've had laid aside for a month or so. I would have preferred trying out her pumpkin muffin recipe, but I have no muffin tins, and more importantly, no ingredients. So painting it was. Little did I know this would be my downfall today.

I laid newspaper outside on the grass and got all my supplies out. I left the door to the apartment open so Iain and our dog could enjoy some sunshine and fresh air. I kept a good eye on Iain while I was painting, not such a good eye on the dog. She disappeared and I failed to notice. So then I had to leave my painting project in the grass and hunt for her sans vehicle with a toddler. It didn't work well. Luckily she returned home, limping and shaking about 20 minutes later. I have no idea what happened to her. She's walking on all fours again, so hopefully she's ok.

Then I had to make lunch for Iain while I was involved in a very important phone conversation. While I was distracted he poured first his milk, then his juice, all over himself and the floor. After disciplining him for that, I put him down for his nap and went out to finish my painting, dog safely inside. When I went out I saw that my project was soaking wet! The workmen apparently are doing something to the sprinkler system and they turned it on while I was inside. Sigh. It's only two o'clock and everything I have tried to accomplish today has already been a bust. I need to go and fight yet again to clean this place up! Does anybody else have days like this? How do I come to grips with falling so short of even the simplest goals, let alone loftier ones? Help, Lord Jesus!


heidi jo said...

my only consolation to offer is that it wasn't your fault. you were giving it your best... side question - did you keep the painting? maybe it would end up a valuable watercolor. :)

Susan said...

I love you and I miss you. Fight on, dear, and we can both look forward to "attaining" together.

Anonymous said...

"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity" Maybe sisters too!