Saturday, June 25, 2005


I got up at 7:30 this morning to drive my husband to work. I thought this would be a good way to jumpstart my day, because I would be up and awake and then get a lot done. Well, after I got home I read my Bible and prayed. I'm always praying for diligence, cuz I don't have a lot of follow through. I was feeling pretty lethargic and I thought maybe I'd go back to bed and read some more of Antonia Frasier's Royal Charles, which is not required reading for class and no, I haven't finished this week's required reading yet. Lazy, lazy girl. Well, God answered my prayer because I went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet and saw... ANTS! Yuck! Crawling on my cereal boxes and bread! What nerve! I cleared up the cabinet and went for the Raid, but the silly thing wouldn't spray so I had to go to the store and get some more really quick. Well, those ants galvanized me, let me tell you. I started cleaning out the cabinet and then moved onto the fridge which I thoroughly cleaned. We're not talking wipe-down, we're talking taking out the shelves and the drawers and scrubbing the whole thing (including the bottom tray-- ew!). This whole morning I've spent cleaning. Now I'm starting to get lazy again. Sigh. I hope God doesn't send me roaches or something! There's still plenty to do around here-- I could effectively bury the Jolly Green Giant with dirty laundry. Anyway, it always feels great to get some stuff done. I always feel better after I clean stuff up. Why is it so hard to get started?


Susan said...

Question #705 Why did God make ants, roaches, and all other gross creatures?
Answer: So lazy people would clean their houses.

There are gonna be a lot of ants in my house.

And BTW...the new pic of ya'll on your profile is totally wierd. Wierd angle, Brian needs a haircut and he needs to lose the glasses. He reminded me of...somebody. As me later.

Love ya, see ya Monday.

SomeOne said...

Just be thankful it wasn't rats. And I'm glad to know there's another slug out there.

Brian Stanley Douglas said...

Oh, we've had rats, too. Many an epic battle has been fought in that war, with many a rat dying a gruesome death until all had perished. (My wife is going to love that I posted this to her blog.)

And thanks for slamming our photo, Susan. The "wierd [sic.]" angle is because it was a self-portrait. Just Friday we put that picture on the cover of our adoption profile, so I guess now all the birthmothers will pass us by. Too bad we used such a lame picture.

SomeOne said...

Ha. Those home-schooled students are sooo bad at spelling. And most can't do basic math facts, either. Why does the government even allow homeschooling. It's anti-American.

And, please, post hints about destroying rats!

SomeOne said...

Oh, and I thought your picture looked very Oregonian, which means funky, earthy. Were you wearing leather sandals by chance?

Brian Stanley Douglas said...

I actually was wearing leather sandals that day. That's amazing--how'd you know?

I don't think my wife would appreciate a dialogue about rats on her blog. She cringes every time I raise the subject. (I personally think it's cool. Death to rats! My dog shares my opinion.)

Homeschooling really is anti-American, at least from the government's perspective. Their purpose for education is to make (read: brainwash) children into good citizens (read: uncritical followers who march to the politically correct mantra du jour). If the government educators are able to have their way, then Americans everywhere will echo the famous words of that wise robot-statesman, C3PO: "We're doomed!"

Susan said...

Death to rats and power to the pufendorfts! Always!

Hey--nice French. You are learning something on Tuesday nights!

(Hi Jordan! I know this is your

Brian Stanley Douglas said...

That's Pufendorfs. And I learned "du jour" at a restaurant when I was a little kid.

Jordan said...

Eeek! Why are you all posting about rats?? Now I can't even come into blog in peace. Yuck. I've got to figure out how to delete your comments...

SomeOne said...

Glad to know Susan is bad at SOMETHING. And, Jordan, I promise: no more rat comments.

Brian: I'm telling you, your picture looks Oregonian, and that means leather sandals. I think you'd like Oregon, and they certainly need some good, Reformed churches there.