Monday, June 13, 2005

Technical Difficulty....

Hmm. When I posted my pictures, it messed up my site. I have no idea how to fix it, either. HTML is not my forte, which is why I like blogger. I can usually just type and post and it takes care of the fancy schmancy end of the deal. Help!


Jordan said...

Thanks to Susan for helping me fix my blog--- turns out I didn't have to use HTML at all, I can manually resize them. Boy do I feel like a goofball.

Susan said...

Jordan...LOL...What I showed you WAS HTML. You're not as much a goofball as you thought.

Jordan said...

Yes, but when I opened my post to edit it, the pictures were embedded instead of the tags, and if I clicked on the pictures a little resizable box would outline them. So I didn't need your bellisima HTML after all. But I very much appreciate your help and the e-mail about the bad links!! What would Office Depot without Tech Support?? Love ya lots!

Susan said...

What would Office Depot do without Tech Support....ROFLOL!