Wednesday, July 06, 2005

A lead...

"The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." Ex. 14:14

Thank you, dear Lord, that you are in charge of all things. Please give me peace and help my soul be still as we make decisions and seek Your guidance. Help to remember how much you love me and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted.

I found an advertisement on the internet of a couple that is looking to donate their 13 embryos. We plan on contacting them via e-mail today. The woman was 32 when these embryos were created, and that is very good. After 35, the eggs deteriorate rapidly. The couple lives in Florida too, which is also good because it is best to thaw the embryos where they were frozen. At least 10 of these embryos are grade 1, which means they are very healthy and well-formed. It is hard not to get your hopes up. I'm sure these folks are swamped with e-mails right now. There so many "what-ifs" in this infertility road. So many details would have to fall into place for this to work out. I pray the Lord would give me enough grace not to beat my head against the wall trying to force everything to work out the way I'd like it to, but instead to trust that He has the best plan and to rest in that.

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