Thursday, June 22, 2006


When I first sat down to write this post, I was going to talk about all the little stresses that we've been under these first few weeks: lack of sleep, mounds of laundry, constant little messes, crazy emotions. But I was catching up on some blogs of some friends of mine and I saw on Doni's that her friend's 1 year old,Kambrie, had gone to be with Jesus. How foolish my little complaints now seem. Instead of being overwhelmed by little stresses, I feel overwhelmed by God's graciousness to me. I am so blessed to have Iain. I certainly do not deserve him. What a precious gift from God. There are so many things that can go wrong with any of us at any time, yet more often than not, we are healthy-- we live! Our pediatrician even said to us "I'm not a religious person, but if you study neonatalogy, you have to believe in God." I'm so richly blessed that I can scarcely comprehend it. Praise be to God.

Iain is now 15 days old! It is hard to believe! It seems as though the time is both flying by and dragging by. Strange, huh? It mostly feels like it is dragging at night while I'm sitting nursing him, watching the clock tick ever so slowly. It feels like it is flying by when I look at him sleeping and feel as if I want to stop time forever just to soak him in. He is a good baby-- he is finally getting the hang of nursing, and he sleeps like a champ. When he is awake he loves to be swaddled and look all around at everything. And that new baby smell! It is delicious--provided his diaper is fresh!:)

1 comment:

Kilby said...

I can't wait to see him! And I can't believe he's fifteen days old and I still haven't! :(

I love you!