Saturday, June 03, 2006

C-section scheduled

I just wanted to let everyone know that we have a c-section scheduled for Wednesday, June 7th at 9am. Please pray that our little buddy would try to make an appearance on his own before then. And pray for our peace, that we would wait on the Lord, and trust Him, and remember how faithful He has always been to us. These last few days are anxious ones and I'm praying that Iain will arrive safely. Please know that the c-section is not a matter of convenience or impatience, but rather the safest choice for our baby.


Susan said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! :)

SomeOne said...

No one who knows you, Jordan, would think that you would EVER put your own convenience before the well-being of your baby. God bless you.

Susan said...

Jeni's right, Jordan. Rest easy.

Bethel said...

I also "ditto" what Jeni said! I am thankful that God gave us doctors, who (while imperfect just like the rest of us) care about our health and safety. I think yours is taking good care of you and Iain!

Jordan said...

Girls-- thank you. When I read what Jeni said it made me cry. Hugs to you all!