Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I am feeling very discouraged today. I had my 39 week doctor's appointment yesterday and my cervix is still tight and closed and the baby is still high, despite his large size, the contractions I've been getting for the past several weeks, and the cervix ripening techniques the doctor asked us to try. Iain is not supposed to go past his due date for medical reasons, and the chances of an induction being sucessful under these circumstances are at best like 30%. So Brian and I feel that with that kind of probability, it makes more sense just to schedule the c-section. I go again to the doctor's tomorrow to see if there is any change. If not, we'll be having the surgery next week. I can't tell you how discouraged I am about this. Why isn't my body doing what it is supposed to do? I really, really didn't want to have this surgery because of all the scarring problems I've had in the past. I like my doctor and I trust him. I feel like he has been very reasonable and not at all in a rush to deliver this baby, so I believe him when he says that Iain needs to be born. I just wish it wasn't going this way.


Susan said...

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take
The clouds you so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense
But trust him for his grace
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

---William Cowper

Doni Brinkman said...

Susan - I LOVE that!!!!!

Jordan - I am so sorry you feel discouraged today! If it helps, I would definitely schedule the c-section if the writing is on the wall because you do NOT want to go through labor and then end up having a c-section anyhow. (Personally, I prefer a scheduled c-section if I ever did it again as oppossed to the trauma of an induced labor with a big baby). The healing time is a bit longer but you might just get a perfectly round little head out of it:) LOL! Anxiously waiting with you!

SomeOne said...

A lot can happen in one week, Jordan, so try not to be too discouraged about this. I'll be praying for your peace and comfort during this last week of waiting.

Jordan said...

Thank you so much. I love you all and really appreciate your encouragement to me and your prayers for us. God is so gracious to give us such sweet fellowship.