Tuesday, May 01, 2007

A trip to Queen's Park

A few weekends ago we decided to check out a park here in Brighton that we hadn't visited yet. So we loaded Iain in the backpack and hopped on the 25C to Queen's Park. Here are my boys on the top of the double decker, enjoying their front row view.

Queen's Park has a pond with oodles of gulls swimming in it (probably not quite what the park designer envisioned) and a playground, a cafe, and lots of green space. It was packed with families enjoying the long-dormant sun. We took Iain to the playground to try out some of the equipment. Swings are still his favorite!

Papa has been showing Iain all the springtime flowers. They're so pretty and interesting! Unfortunately, he has a definite taste for some of the tiny daisies that grow around campus. I have to clear an area of ground if I want to put him down!

After playing on the playground we walked around the park, and then got ice cream while watching everyone around us.

We had a lovely afternoon with our dear boy.

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